“The Female Farmer Project is a nonprofit effort and Audra uses her national farm to table photography business she has built over the past decade to fund it. She is not from a farm or agriculture background and had spent years working at Microsoft before leaving to be home more with her family and grow her own purpose, passions, and brand. How does an everyday non-ag person decide to start this type of an ongoing farmer-focused project?”
Wells Fargo Sponsorship
We are pleased to announce Wells Fargo, Central Washington Middle Market Banking as a sponsor of the upcoming production of the film, Women's Work: The Untold Story of America's Female Farmers. We thank Wells Fargo for their support.
Feature in UC Food Observer
March is Women’s History Month. There is a great deal to celebrate about women’s history…including women’s work on the land. However, we have so much more work do on that front, including getting more women farming. This means increasing access to land, capital and education.
Feature in Successful Farming Magazine
"The lack of historical images has inspired Mulkern to continue documenting female farmers today. “There aren’t many pictures showing women working as farmers, and if you don’t see it being done, you don’t know it can be done,” she says. "
The Grange Issaquah Sponsorship
We are pleased to announce The Grange Issaquah as a sponsor of the upcoming production of the film, Women's Work: the untold story of America's female farmers.
For the Farmer in All of Us!™The Grange has served our Farm, Ranch, Garden and Pet communities since 1934.
"The members, shoppers and staff of The Grange recognize the drought of history regarding the creativity, grit and determination of our country’s woman farmers. We aim to help set the record straight."
– John Mabbot, The Grange
Highland Precision Ag Sponsorship
We are pleased to announce Highland Precision Ag as a sponsor of the upcoming production of the film, Women's Work: the untold story of America's female farmers.
"Some of the most important stories we can tell to the world, and pass on to our children are about the people who produce our food. Thank you to Audra and her team who are telling these stories, bringing women in agriculture to the forefront. We are proud to support the Female Farmer Project."
– Steve Maxwell
CEO, Highland Precision Ag
Feature in Beef Magazine
Thank you to BEEF Magazine for the feature - their readers have raised $700 for our campaign to date!
Read Here
Feature on RFD-TV
Thank you to RFD - TV for having us on to discuss the film and our campaign!
Feature in Farms.Com
Feature in Capital Press
Thank you to Capital Press for sharing our story about Women's Work
National Women's History Month
A generation before Rosie the Riveter, then, there were the “farmerettes”…or “the girl with the hoe.”
Read MoreNational Farmers Union Sponsorship
We are pleased to announce National Farmers Union Foundation as a sponsor of the upcoming production of the film, Women's Work: the untold story of America's female farmers.
Generations of women’s voices and stories of their role in the feeding and clothing of our nation have gone untold. Thank you to the National Farmers Union for their support and passion in taking an active role in empowering the voices of America's female farmers and demanding that their role in history be marked.
Feature in Wheat Life Magazine
Thank you to Wheat Life Magazine for featuring Women's Work
Read MoreFeature on PBS/ABC - Washington Grown
Meet the Female Farmer Project and Audra Mulkern to learn about how they are telling the story of female farmers today!
Washington Grown